Monday, October 4, 2010

God Hates Globes

GOD HATES GLOBES: Documentary from Drew Chial on Vimeo.

Here is some the media created from the "God Hates Globes" movement. God Hates Globes was created to point out how ridiculous the "God Hates Fags" organization is. Both movements we're started from interpretations of bible passages. I use to protest with the "God Hates Globes" organization, you may even see me in one of the pictures. The above documentary is by my friend Drew Chial, most of the footage is is from when Rev. Fred Phelps visited Minnesota. Drew and his camera crew faked press passes, to sneak in and interview him.

1 comment:

  1. NPR's discussing Rev. Phelps & 1st Amendment RIGHT. NOW. !
