Monday, October 4, 2010

The Glue Project

Here are some of the tips I got from The Glue Project:

1.       Create a community that you are passionate about. If you are not excited or authentic, your members won’t be either.
2.       Think about first impressions. Make the site polished and clear across the board.
3.       Be as clear as possible about the purpose or vision
4.       Invite the right people at first. You need connectors, salesman and mavens to spread the word, also people that set the tone.
5.       Set up the page to underscore your topic before inviting members, make it entertaining, provocative and unique.
6.       Let you members customize their profiles, to create some ownership.
7.       Advertise, post your link on other social networks, blog, discussion forums, websites with similar topics, add videos on other sites
8.       Keep posting and make everything new and exciting, even if members are slow to join or participate.
9.       Keep track of everything that is going on, answer questions, encourage leadership, creativity and opportunity to share with others
10.   Share credit, as much as possible
11.   Leverage group resources, whatever that maybe. Encourages a feeling of ownership.
12.   Show the results for the members hard work whether they be big or small.
13.   Get to resolutions quickly; people want to see things happening.

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