Monday, September 6, 2010

Whatever Happened to Labor

I completely agree with Seth Godin on his views of skilled labor. Having worked for years at a corporate chains and offices I know what he is talking about. Every move you make, thing you say, and especially everything you create is mapped out and scripted. Original thought is not only, not encouraged, but a dismissible offence. Everything is so scripted that when something happens that is not on script, employees don't even know how to handle it. And in an atmosphere where no one is skilled and everyone is replaceable, how can you expect to have job security? Now, I was never fired from a job, but I worked day in and day out with the fact that I was replaceable hung over my head, and abused by my employers because "in this economy I should fell lucky to have a job." But I wonder with the loss of skilled labor and the abuses employers have been able to perform on their employees because they knew we had no other choice, will we ever gain some power back, even after the economy recovers.

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