Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Facial Cancer Threatens Devil Population

A friend of mine just posted this on facebook. I was unaware that the Tasmanian Devils population was threatened by this disease. Apparently it is a form of cancer that came from a single source and spread through their bites, which occur during mating and scuffling over food. The most shocking thing is that since 1990s when the population was 140,000 it has now dwindled to 80,000 and within 20 years they could be extinct. I have always been an advocate for animals and taken their preservation very seriously. Of course, when I first read this article, I thought "how did we (as in humans) cause this?" Luckily, after reading further it seems to be naturally occurring, and there does seem to be a strong effort to save them. I hope that even with the set back mentioned in this article, we can find a vaccine for this horrible disease before it's too late. In the mean time we should try to spread awareness, because with awareness comes added pressure to find a cure.

To join the cause

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