Sunday, October 10, 2010

Risky Coding

This article outlines a new type of coding for websites called HTML 5 that should come out in the next five years. It is said to make it easier to view multimedia content, check e-mail offline and navigate on smart phones. But It has a serious downfall because the cookies that store data for future use could enable advertisers to access personal information dating back weeks or months. This would include location, time zone, photos, blogs, shopping habits, e-mails and web history. One hacker, Samy Kamkar even created a "Evercookie" that is next to impossible to get off your computer. He said he created it to expose the problem with the new coding and he won't sell it to advertisers, but who knows. Now it is up to web browsers to update and create new software with extra security. And I hope they do. But that's how it works with advancement, one side advances and the other side has to catch up.

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