Sunday, September 26, 2010

Using entertainment to get the point across - Bill Mahar

Boing boing recently posted part of a rant by Bill Maher (the entire rant can be found above), in this piece he speaks out, in a humorous way, against complaints about a 3.6% tax hike for the top 1% income earners. I'm a fan of Bill Maher because he has a way to express his political views in an easy to understand and humorous way. I am pretty interested in politics and much of my artwork has political or social motivations and I love to follow and study other people who are capable of portraying their views in a digestible way. Many social and political topics can come across as dry, and people are always looking for entertainment. So, if you can get across your view in a entertaining and motivational way, I believe it will be more affective. I look to people like Bill Maher, John Stewart and Micheal Moore for inspiration on how to get my views across.

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