Sunday, September 26, 2010

Seth Godin: This is broken | Video on

Seth Godin at Gel 2006 from Gel Conference on Vimeo.
Seth Godin: This is broken Video on

This a lecture from Seth Godin entitled "This is Broken" where he outlines in an entertaining and pertinent manner aspects of business, and government that don't work because of the following reasons:
Not My Job
Selfish Jerks
The World Changed
I Didn't Know
I'm Not a Fish
Broken on Purpose
I'm not going to outline them all, but I found the section about "not my job" to be very relatable.  I have been in the position of doing something I knew was stupid and not saying anything to fix it. But Godin seems to put the fault with the person executing it and not with the company. As someone who's worked for large corporations, I know that at first you try to change things but eventually you realize that no one is listening. So you just follow the sometimes idiotic and inefficient policies, to keep your job. It's a very stifling atmosphere, when every move you make is planned out.

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