Monday, August 30, 2010

Preventing a loss. . .

I just read this article on the closing of the Barnes and Noble by Lincoln Center, As a former employee of this literature superstore (not this location), I am saddened by this "sign of the times" and the general rise of e-readers. I must preface this by stating that I, like most, fully support reducing my carbon foot print and preventing deforestation by "going paperless". I also love new technologies and would hate to come across as stuck in her ways, but. . . I am also a lover of books. I love how they look, smell, and most of all, feel. With the rise of e-readers and Internet news sites, I think we have lost a tactile experience that we need to feel grounded. There is just something about holding a book or newspaper and feeling it's weight, flipping it's pages, experiencing the various textures and finishes of it's papers. Most of my day is spent around some smooth, shinny, plastic piece of technology and there is nothing like curling up with a good book and feeling unplugged.

Also, as the article states, there is a loss of community along with this loss of a bookstore. As a former employee, I can state first hand, that these mega-bookstores do act as a gathering place for the commuinty and espesally for book lovers. I have noticed in Manhattan the lack of coffeeshops (with seating) or other spaces where people can take a break in their day and possibly strike up an interesting conversation. This is a large componenet in creating a community. People need a space where they can stop in and "everyone knows you name". These stores provide that space, and usually intellectual conversation as apossed to celebrity gossip or other small talk you may find else where.

So, to my fellow designers, a call for action. I know it's exciting to get caught up in the newest technology, but let's try to find a balance. Let's try to find a way to keep books from going the way of snail mail on even newspapers. I think, as designers, we can come up with interesting book designs that will keep around their tactile experience, while leaving the e-readers for other say, light reading and such.

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