Monday, December 13, 2010

British Students Outwit Police

The students in London that have taken to the streets to protest their tuition hike have gotten techie to avoid police. The above Google map has been set up to update everyone on areas to avoid and where the police are detaining everyone. Very smart and simple, compared to some suggestions that they should create an iPhone app.

Let it snow, Let it snow!

Another taste of what I get to go back to in a week. But this is what makes Minnesota great, 16in of snow and still riding a bike. Believe it or not this is a common sight. The over 4,000 winter bike commuters is another reason why Minneapolis was named the #1 bike city in the country, as I mentioned earlier in this blog.
A group called Hide & Seek are coming out with a book called "The Board game Remix"
This book takes classic games like Monopoly, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, and Clue, and gives suggestions on how to turn the pieces into new and exciting games. As a lover of board games, I am pretty excited about this. Almost everyone owns these games but they often get passed over for new games because they are so played out. But this book shows you how to make them fresh and exciting again. It is also the perfect gift for someone you don't know really well; too bad the book didn't come out before Christmas. But the do already have an iPhone app and PDF for download. All around this is very clever and illustrates how you can take an old thing and repurpose it for something else or update it to make it fresh again.
Below is the smaple PDF:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where I will be in one week. . .

I just can't stop from blogging about the collapse of the Minneapolis Metrodome. Having grown up going to many events at this stadium, the best being when they filled it with Lego’s, this is a little sad. But also having been there many times, I also know there are many design flaws with this building. This is not the first time the roof has collapsed, but it is also the loudest stadium around. There are many flaws, but this will just empower that moment to tear it down. Which I find to be very sad because it will forever change the Minneapolis skyline.

Arch touch mouse

The above link is for a video about the new arch touch mouse (pictured above) and its creation. The mouse is okay and will most certainly be over priced, but I found the video interesting because you get to hear a little about the designer's creative process. But watching that does make me glad I when into communications design and in industrial design, much too scientific for me.